


プロジェクトの活動は、Public Health Survey(PHS)、Work Shop, well-beingの3つのチームに分かれ、企画の立案や勉強会を行いました。


Through the year of 2022, KSIHA held a meeting every Saturday in preparation for the expedition, discussing preparations for the trip and planning local activities with the aim of going abroad in 2023. Each of the three teams planned their own local activities, and each team studied necessary fields and attempted to conduct background research through communication with local people.

Public Health Survey

 Public Health Survey(PHS)チームでは、子どもたちの生活環境や国レベルでの医療・保健状況の調査に取り組んでいます。




The Public Health Survey Team mainly focused on researching the living standards of children in Zambia and their medical circumstances nationally. We revised the data of the water quality survey and price research from the 2019 trip to Zambia to make a plan for the future trip to Zambia.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not go to Zambia and do some research. However, we continued to have further discussions based on the data we acquired from reliable sources such as the UN. 

We will continue to analyse the data and view the environment and society in which the Zambian children live from the macro perspective.  

Work Shop




The workshop team mainly focused on children's physical health and conducted health education workshops. Due to the lower standard of hygiene level in Zambia than in Japan, Zambia has a greater risk of catching infectious diseases. Not only to protect oneself from preventable diseases, but hand-washing is also the easiest way to stay hygienic and healthy. Moreover, children in Zambia tend to play outside without wearing shoes, so foot-washing is critical to prevent infections from foot injuries. We will continue to carry out the workshops to enhance the basic knowledge of health care, and if the trip to Zambia should happen in 2023, we will evaluate the work we have done online. 


 Well-beingチームでは、Nsansa Villageの子どもたちの心理的側面の健康やメンタルヘルスに焦点を当てた活動をおこななっています。

 子どもたちの精神的健康の保持・増進を目指し、『夢プロジェクト』という企画を検討中です。この企画では、Nsansa Villageの子どもたちに自分の経験や将来の夢などを自由に話せる場作りを行い、自己理解を深めてもらうという企画です。ただし、ストリートチルドレンという背景をもつ子どもたちにとって自分自身について語ることが彼らにどんな影響を及ぼすのかなどの点についても慎重に検討する必要があります。専門家に企画案に対するフィードバックをいただきながら、現地の子どもたちのニーズに合った活動をできるよう今後も模索していきます。

The well-being team mainly focused on children's mental health at Nsansa Village. We aim for mental health maintenance/ promotion, and the "Dream Project" is under consideration. In this project, we will create a space for children to talk openmindedly about their past experiences and future dreams. However, it is urgent to know the effect it might bring on the children since some of them may have a traumatic experience from the past. We sought advice and feedback from professionals and will continue to make an effort for better activities based on the request from Nsansa Village.